Search Results
MWO Quickplay | Cyclops (CP-10-Q) | mrm's are too cool (4 kmdd and 1,247 damage)
MWO cyclops cp-10-q mrm 120 1211 damage 4 kill 4 kmdd
MWO Quickplay | Cyclops (CP-10-Q) | lot of freakin mrm's (3 kills and 811 damage)
MWO Quickplay | Cyclops (CP-10-Q) | no team damage though (5 assists and 967 damage)
MWO Quickplay | Cyclops (CP-10-Q) | full brawl cyclops (5 kills and 773 damage)
MWO Quickplay | Cyclops (CP-10-Q) | mrm monster (2 kills and 921 damage)
Mechwarrior Online - BOOM!!! (Cyclops CP-10-Q, 4xMRM30)
MWO Quickplay | Cyclops (CP-10-Q) | ran out of MRMs 2 kills and 1,108 damage)
MWO Quickplay | Mauler (MAL-MX90) | very brutal (4 kmdd and 957 damage)
MWO Quickplay | Sun Spider (SNS-PRIME) | sun spider srms and atms (CØDE - Get The Party)
MWO Quickplay | Archer (ARC-5W) | wow, the archer is too easy (9 assists and 740 damage)
MWO Quickplay | Mauler (MAL-2P) | not sure about light gauss (2 kmdd and 575 damage)